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Make Room For Something New

Jul 25, 2024
Victoria Sol
Make Room For Something New

This 3 minute guided meditation helps you bring awareness into your body, creating space so you can incorporate new healthy habits into your life.

We live in a  world of excess. We’re always trying to add more or be more. For most of us, feeling like we’re not enough is par for the course.

When we shift toward letting go of things we don’t want anymore, whether it’s addiction, excess weight or repetitive negative thoughts, we make room for something new.

It’s time to make room for new habits, but It’s hard to fill a cup that’s already full.  A powerful way to make change is with our daily activities: eating, thinking, interacting with others.

When we incorporate new habits that we act on everyday, we change our life.

One easy thing you can do starting right now is consciously relax your body and take at least one nourishing breath. Make it a habit when you sit down at your desk, get into your car, walk through a doorway, or anytime you remember to. Put up reminders where you’ll see them until it has become a habit.

This present aware moment, creates space in your body and your mind;  room for new, conscious, healthy habits.

Knowledge is learning something everyday.  
Wisdom is letting something go every day.
-Zen Proverb