Boost Your Immune System Naturally
Jul 25, 2024
Here we are in a global pandemic, social distancing, counting toilet paper squares, getting together online for some much-needed connection. Times are strange. If you or someone you love is ill or has been ill lately, my wish is for you to get well soon.
Being sick or having a loved one who’s ill can make us feel so vulnerable. Like an invader has come into our home and taken over our bodies, and we just have to get through it. But the truth is, we have so much we can do to prepare and take control of the situation so that we don’t feel like a victim. Because feeling powerless is not only horrifying, it’s detrimental to your health. Please download my Natural Flu Care eBook so you can feel more prepared the next time you or a loved one is sick.
I remember being sick a lot as a child. I got croup every year. Croup is an illness that causes inflammation in the upper airway. It’s recognized by a distinctive barking cough, because some of the airway has been closed off. It’s very similar to the flu in that you get a fever and feel horrible. I remember feeling terrified as I struggled to breathe. There were a few times I had to be hospitalized, and once it turned to pneumonia. The doctors placed my little body in an oxygen tent to help me with my breathing. I have a distinct memory of seeing my parent's faces through a clear window. Talk about feeling isolated. I think I was 4.
I hated having to go to the hospital and the alienation that came with it. Back then, there were strict visiting hours, even for parents of little kids. I think the mentality was that rest was the most important thing for recovery, and socializing with family and friends is energy-depleting. In retrospect, I’m sure feeling isolated prolonged my recovery. One thing I’ve discovered through this pandemic is that we need each other.
Once, my older brother somehow managed to hoodwink the doctor and my parents, and he got himself admitted into the hospital and shared my room with me. We were busy making mischief, playing with switches, climbing on stuff, and taking turns watching for the nurse. I was healed in no time.
As I grew, I was led down the natural healing path. The most pivotal moment for me was losing my brother to cancer when I was 17. I remember thinking as I visited him in the hospital that there had to be a better way. After a lifetime of struggling with my own health, then having to endure that, and watching my parents suffer through it, all I wanted was to know how to raise healthy children and teach them how to be healthy when they grew up. This became my passion and purpose.
Today, I believe an ounce of prevention is worth ten pounds of cure. Knowing how to be more comfortable – and make your family more comfortable if they get sick – is important information for every household to have.
The flu will come again next year, so you need to know how to prepare and what to do if you or one of your family members contract it.
The most important thing you can know is that the key is in your immune system. Louis Pasteur, the founder of pasteurization, spent his life studying infectious germs. At the end of his life, after spending all his attention on the germs themselves, he said, “The germ is nothing… the terrain is everything.” He finally realized that if the body is prepared, the germ can be introduced and the immune system will handle it.
There are a variety of ways to support the immune system, including, lifestyle and diet, supplementation, detoxification, stress reduction, and, of course, love. When you stop putting toxins in, the body can focus on the threats at hand and heal itself.
If you do come down with the flu, you need to know what will work to remedy the situation naturally. The thing I love about natural healing techniques is that they don’t have side effects. They support your body in healing itself, and they work.
Please download my Natural Flu Care eBook. Use it as a guide to help you prepare for the flu next year, including what to do to prevent it and what to have on hand to create an atmosphere for natural healing if someone in your family does get sick.
I wish you and your family well.